Safety Storage 

Since 1986, Helping clients like you reduce their Liabilities and provide Storage Solutions for the Gas Cylinders, Reactive Materials, used batteries, and small-to-large volumes of Chemicals. Hazardous Materials do not need to pose a "Hazard" to your employees safety or to your bottom line if prudent solutions are installed and made part of your SOP's (Standard Operating Procedures).

We do not sell "Cabinets". Clients have come to trust us to help survey their needs and provide Custom, Relocatable, Modular Pre-Fabricated Hazardous Materials Storage solutions that get Permitted and last for decades. All of our Account Engineers have 25+ Years of experience doing this ! Whether on the phone, internet video meetings (e.g. skype) or in person in the field you benefit working with EXPERIENCE & SUCCESS to bring you solutions to your firms specific needs. We believe in the "Long View" when it comes to servicing clients.  



ARS (American Recycling Systems), Boeing, US Forest Service, Universities (All), Newmount Gold, USDI-BLM, Northrop (before they were Grumman), SAIC, Mattel, National Guards @ All 50-States, Kraft Foods, USDI-NPS, Chevron, Sandia, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Warner Brothers Studio's, NEC, City of Los Angeles, Kiewit, Korean Airlines, ITT, McDonnell Douglas, NASA, US Navy, Hughes, Texaco, US DoE/EG&G, Lockheed (Before they were Martin) , General Dynamics, US DoJ, Delco/GM, Burroughs/Unisys, Lockheed Martin, Big Pharma (All), Great Western Malting, Honeywell, USDI-BoR, Jacobs Engineering, Hansens, Aerojet, US Air Force, Loral Aerospace, Varian, TRW, US Marine Corps, Hensel Phelps, Fairchild, Babcock+Wilcox, Safety Kleen, Morton International, Disney, USDI-BIA, Frito-Lay/Pepsico, FAA, Hospitals (Most), US Army.